Terms and conditions for using your Magadeek card

  1. You use the Magadeek card As a purchasing voucher in all branches of Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Othaim A Market.
  2. The card code must be presented to the sales accountant during the payment process.
  3. This card can be used several times if there is a balance on it.
  4. The purchasing voucher “card” expires when the balance expires.
  5. The value of this card is prepaid.
  6. The card is not valid for purchasing any types of electronic recharge cards, data, mobile phones, devices, electronic games, and their accessories.
  7. The returned item can be replaced with another item after completing the return procedures according to the return policy.
  8. More than one card can be used.
  9. This card is not refundable after purchasing it.
  10. Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Othaim Markets Company does not bear any responsibility if the card is lost, stolen, or used without permission.
  11. The code is activated immediately after purchase.